Ook voor expats die een woning willen kopen treden we regelmatig op. Niet alleen adviseren wij onze internationale cliënten bij het zoeken naar voor hen geschikte woonruimte, wij informeren hen ook over alle aspecten van het dagelijks leven in een voor hen onbekende stad. Te denken valt aan scholen, winkels, openbaar vervoer, medische zorg, uitgaan, sportverenigingen, Nederlandse gewoonten en gebruiken.
Buying a house or apartment is probably one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever take in your life. As an expat it can be even more of a challenge, especially for those who aren’t very familiar with the Netherlands and its diverse neighborhoods.
Our specialised Expat Brokers will contact you, discuss your wishes and match those with the desired neighborhoods and properties. They have also a lot of knowledge when it comes to legislation and specific financial issues around buying a home in the Netherlands.
Finding a home to purchase is also possible through an English speaking buyers agent who will be on your side from the start (exploring search criteria) up until the end (signing the deed at the notary). Weather you have arrived moments ago or have been in Den Haag for some time, Kimmel & Co Makelaars has the expat experience to guide you home.
Please contact us to make an appointment and explore the opportunities!
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